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Company values


We believe that lean teams are superior. We believe humans can achieve outsized outcomes if they have high agency and ownership over the problems they tackle. We don’t like labels at Axflow, and expect strong ownership of every member of the team.

First principles thinking

Decisions should always be justified in a bottoms-up manner, not by imitating others or following directives. We believe that velocity comes from simplicity, and simplicity comes from understand the why of things. Build less, but build deliberately.

Outcomes obsessed

Successful products provide real value to their customers by solving concrete problems. We don’t measure inputs or outputs, we measure and optimize for outcomes. Our goal is to change the world in positive ways by delivering true value for our customers.


We are strong believers in open-source, and want to help bring forth an open-source era for AI. Customers should be able to achieve the same quality products from open-source models as they do with proprietary ones, and we open-source as much of our work as we can.